Sunday, April 18, 2010

The world needs another knitting blog

Today I read instructions for starting a blog on Blogger and decided to do this. A case of Startitis without yarn.

I think that working on one thing at a time results in more finished projects, but find that I am most satisfied when I've done some work on several different textures and gauges and shapes over a good day of knitting.

Today I've done elongated garter stitch on a Stormcloud Shawlette, stockinette with bright colored Malabrigo worsted--sooooo soft, cast on an acrylic baby blanket, and will end my day with a sock yarn shawl in the colors of my NBA team. This yarn is called Ebullient in Rip City colorway by Frog Creek I'l knit this while watching the first game of the playoffs. I'll need at least 10 games to finish this, so Go Blazers!


  1. Hi, Lucy Anne! Welcome to blogland. I'm honored to be on your daily reading list.

    I find that I tend to work best with only one or two projects going at any time. Right now I only have one, and a couple in hibernation (one winter, one summer). The summer one will be back out soon...

    Go Blazers!

  2. Congratulations on your new blog, Lucy Anne!

    I like to have several projects going, some mindless and some that require focus, some fine gauge and some bigger gauge. That way, there is always the perfect project to work on whatever the situation.

  3. Ok, I'm here. Impress me. ;)
