Monday, April 26, 2010


I was walking today in an effort to improve my health and allow myself to live long enough to knit every project queued in my head. The elementary school was out at recess. Lots of boys and girls were running, skipping, throwing balls. One girl of ten stood by herself. She seemed a lot like me at ten: skinny legs, crooked teeth, the appearance of preferring a book to all that running. I wish I could tell her that everything will be fine. If I had known at 10 how rich and happy my life was to be, I might have been happier then. I wish I had known that I would get at least a little less funny-looking, be loved by a great man like David, and have the family I so enjoy.

If I had known there would be knitting.

If I had known there would be the Traveling Sweater Pattern and deeply colored Blue Moon WooBoo to make The Sweater I Will Wear for the Rest of My Life and My Children Will Treasure Because it is So Mom.

Someday my yarn will come.


  1. That is such a cute sweater; I tried on Shannon's in the shop before the pattern was released, and fell in love. It looks great on everybody! I can't commit to knitting a big sweater in spring/summer,though. It will have to wait, because suddenly I have too many projects going at once, and I'm generally a monogamous knitter...

  2. Yay! This really is THE sweater, LA. And, I can't wait to cast on my second...
